From scratch and intended to nourish.

Owner: Rohani Foulkes

Location:  1701 Trumbull, Detroit MI 48216

Opened: 2016


What makes Folk special?

We are woman, bipoc, immigrant owned and run cafe & market. We celebrate group achievement and recognize individual success. If we fail to fullfil our pursuits, we welcome constructive feedback and promise to reevaluate our performance. Our ultimate goal is to achieve an enjoyable and mutually beneficial experience, every time with every member of our community.

We source responsibly grown and made provisions, local organic and handmade as much as possible; paying our partners fair prices for their products and our team higher than minimum wages, every hour of every day.

Why Corktown?

We love the walkability, the strong residential presence and the overall business communities.

How has the CBA impacted your business?

The CBA has provided FOLK with strong B2B support and it has proven its commitment to seeing growth opportunities shared + elevated.

What are some goals or upcoming announcements for Folk?

We now offer in-door seating, online ordering, catering, wholesale, gift boxes and more. Offerings can be found at our website or by visiting us in Corktown. We'll be launching Wine Club, a monthly wine box pick-up, this month. Lots of fun holiday programs and curated gift-boxes to come!